Talofa Family
..As me an my companion have been trying to get familiar with our area
we have been having success...thanks to the promptings of the holy
ghost. This week we just picked up 6 new people that are investing in
the church. One of them, when we had our fafaga yesterday, it was this
family that is part member n non member. We got the chance to talk to
him about the gospel..The Book Of Mormon...n.How our father in heaven
blesses our lives as we endure an keep thy commandments..N how prayer
can really help us if we truly pray with real intent. After the whole
conversation we invited him to pray about the BofM. So now we have a
setup appointment for aso lulu to meet up again... But Inviting an
sharing to others about this gospel has really impacted how my
testimony has grown so much an know that we have the best example who
ever walk this earth ,Jesus Christ...n he invites us to follow his
perfect example...As we consistently focus n study the basic
principles in our lives, we will gain an understanding of what we need
to accomplish in this life. N how it will bring the light to our
families an the happiness to us. I have a testimony on sharing the
light with others so they too can feel the happiness of our savior. I
testify that as we help others come unto christ, how we will see there
happiness bright up in their families an there own lives..I know that
jesus the christ lives, an i am gratefull for all that you have done
for me in mylife. Love you all so much. Have an awesome Weekend.
Elder Tanuvasa