email. But This saturday me an my companion got to go to the temple
with my investigators that i baptized when i was serving in american
samoa. It was last tuesday when we were doing an exchange with our
taitai misiona an I was just pondering about the the temple. N i
remembered that this month my family from american samoa reaches a 1yr
mark, an the plan for the family was to take there family an seal them
in the temple... So that tuesday i called the temple, an i was talking
to the lady an i askeed hey if theres any one going into the temple
this week or this month from tutuila. And she said yeah the family
name Ma`ae, an my heart just dropped an she also said, they are going
in today at the 5 o clock. So i rang the pres, an i asked him if i
could go to the temple.. the temple is on the other island in upolu,
which means i have to catch a boat an look for a ride to the office.
BUt i got the okay from the president, an i called the family from
tutuila an asked them when do they go back because i wanna do a
session toghether an they wanted too. So We got to the office on
friday,an we went strait to were the families saty in right by the
temple. An i see people, here im kinda of worried cause i thought they
left, we go there an i asked the lady, did the group from tutuila
leave already? an she said yeah just this im just
thinking dang i miss it man... N the lady says but theres a family
that didnt leave, just switched house to the on across the street, We
head over as fast as we could..n i see the youngest boy of there
family an just had the biggest smile on my face. Filled with joy. As
we start talking with the family we are just so excited to see each
other. Later on that friday we went to the last session toghether.Just
a quick story i wanted to share with the family. The changes that ive
seen in the family just fills me up with peace an happiness. Such a
strong family that came along ways. As we listen an hearken to the
spirit our father will always make a way for those of us that are
trully being obedient to our covenants. I know this church is true,
the gospel brings peace in our families. god lives an our savior jesus
But overall i am doing good in my area. just been loving it here, an
time is just flying way to fast. I miss you all an love you all. You
all are always in my prayers, may our heavenly father protect an guide
our family as we march an hasten his work through out this life.
Elder Tanuvasa